Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Monarch is on a prescription, low protein, diet. Monarch has decided she doesn't like the prescription food anymore, so she doesn't eat and has becomes quite lethargic... until Jason goes into the kitchen and starts to cut up chicken. Then Monarch becomes animated and sits very pretty while asking for some chicken, which she doesn't get.

For the past few days, I have only been able to get Monarch to eat a couple of tablespoons of prescription food each day. She is so skinny and so lethargic that I finally gave in today at work and let her have some contraband. My co-worker fed Monarch half of her yogurt and another co-worker allowed Monarch to finish the last of her Italian Wedding soup... Monarch was much more active and happy this afternoon than she has been for almost a week.
For her dinner I picked up pasta, chicken stock and pumpkin. Monarch likes pumpkin - at least she does today. She ate a quarter cup of the pasta/pumpkin, and so far I haven't seen any ill effects from her dinner or lunch. I think tomorrow I will try to mix a small bit of the prescription food with the pumpkin. We have a vet appointment tomorrow afternoon so I can get some more options for foods that might fit her low protein diet - or maybe we will find out that her liver has started to function and Monarch can start eating a normal doggy diet.

1 comment:

Madison said...

She's (sorta) living the high life for a CCI pup!